CS455 Lecutre Notes

Table of Contents

Lecture 1

Delay Types

  • Transmission Delay
    the time it takes to send a packet of data across a network
  • Propagation Delay
    the time it takes for a signal to travel through the wire
  • Queuing Delay
    the time a packet spend waiting in a queue before being processed
  • Processing Delay
    the time it takes to send data through the wire

End to End Delay

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  • Packet Size = 1250 Bytes
  • Signal Propagation Speed = $2 \times 10^5$ km/s
  • Router Processing Time = 10 ms or 10 μs
Q1. What is the end to end delay for 1 packet?

$Trans_0$ = $\frac{1250 \times 8}{100 , \text{Mbps}}$ = 0.1 ms
$Prop_0$ = $\frac{50 , \text{km}}{2 \times 10^5 , \text{km/s}}$ = 0.25 ms
Processing = 10 ms
$Trans_1$ = $\frac{1250 \times 8}{1.5 , \text{Mbps}}$ = 6.67 ms
$Prop_0$ = $\frac{200 , \text{km}}{2 \times 10^5 , \text{km/s}}$ = 1 ms

Total = 18.02 ms

Queuing Delay

  • the time a data packet spends waiting in a queue before being processed

Traffic Intensity Formula

  • measures how busy a system is

R -> Outgoing Link Bandwidth (bps)
L -> Packet Length (measured in bits)
a -> Average Packet Arrival Rate (# of packets per second)

Traffic Intensity = $\frac{L \times a}{R}$

${L \times a}$ is the arrival rate of bits
${R}$ is the service rate of bits

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  • The average queuing delay goes to infinity as traffic intensity approaches 1
    • Packets are arriving faster than the link can transmit them
    • The queue grows indefinitely
    • Causing excessive delays or packet loss if the buffer overflows


  • provides delay measurement from the sender (your computer) to router

Round Trip Time (RTT): the duration, measured in milliseconds, from when a browser sends a request to when it receives a response from a server

Queuing Delay Formula

If we're only considering 2 packets.

After packet 1 reaches the router, it takes trans1 time to process, and then and only then can we start to process packet 2.

How long does packet 2 have to wait?

packet 2 can only start

Q2. Sender sends 2 consecutive packets

There is a queuing delay for 2nd packet

Modes of HTTP Connection

Non-Persistent HTTP – A new TCP connection is created for each request-response pair, making it slower due to repeated connection establishment (3-way handshake).

Persistent HTTP – The TCP connection remains open for multiple requests/responses, reducing overhead and improving performance (default in HTTP/1.1 with Connection: keep-alive).

Pipelining HTTP – A type of persistent connection where multiple requests are sent without waiting for previous responses, reducing latency but requiring ordered responses (supported in HTTP/1.1 but not widely used due to head-of-line blocking).