
remotely and locally copy files
port TCP/873 - can piggyback on top of an established SSH server connection

rsync can be abused by

  • listing the contents of a shared folder on a target server and retrieving files, sometimes done without authentication.
  • If you find credentials during a pentest and run into Rsync on an internal (or external) host, it is always worth checking for password re-use as you may be able to pull down some sensitive files that could be used to gain remote access to the target.

Probing for accessible shares

> nc -nv 873

(UNKNOWN) [] 873 (rsync) open
@RSYNCD: 31.0
@RSYNCD: 31.0
dev            	Dev Tools

Enumerating an open share

> rsync -av --list-only rsync://

receiving incremental file list
drwxr-xr-x             48 2022/09/19 09:43:10 .
-rw-r--r--              0 2022/09/19 09:34:50
-rw-r--r--              0 2022/09/19 09:36:02 secrets.yaml
drwx------             54 2022/09/19 09:43:10 .ssh

sent 25 bytes  received 221 bytes  492.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

Enumerating an Open Share

Here we can see a share called dev, and we can enumerate it further.

> rsync -av --list-only rsync://

receiving incremental file list
drwxr-xr-x             48 2022/09/19 09:43:10 .
-rw-r--r--              0 2022/09/19 09:34:50
-rw-r--r--              0 2022/09/19 09:36:02 secrets.yaml
drwx------             54 2022/09/19 09:43:10 .ssh

sent 25 bytes  received 221 bytes  492.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

Sync all files onto our machine -> rsync -av rsync://

Note: If Rsync is configured with SSH, we could modify our commands to include the -e ssh flag, or -e "ssh -p2222" if a non-standard port is in use for SSH.