Network File System - access file systems over a network as if they were local.
NFSv4 only run on one UDP or TCP port 2049
NFS is based on the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC-RPC/SUN-RPC) protocol exposed on TCP and UDP ports 111

nmap scan for nfs -> sudo nmap -p111,2049 -sV -sC
get more info using rpcinfo -> rpcinfo -p <target-IP>
nmap nse scan for nfs -> sudo nmap --script nfs* -sV -p111,2049
Show Available NFS Shares -> showmount -e
Mounting NFS Share:

> mkdir target-NFS
> sudo mount -t nfs ./target-NFS/ -o nolock
> cd target-NFS
> tree .

└── mnt
    └── nfs
        ├── id_rsa
        └── nfs.share

2 directories, 3 files

unmount -> sudo umount ./target-NFS

NFS for privilege escalation

if NFS is set to no_root_squash, we can leverage this for privilege escalation. See NFS section in Linux Privilege Escalation

Dangerous Settings

rwRead and write permissions.
insecurePorts above 1024 will be used.
nohideIf another file system was mounted below an exported directory, this directory is exported by its own exports entry.
no_root_squashAll files created by root are kept with the UID/GID 0.