Table of Contents

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

port: 143 (unencrypted), 993 (encrypted SSL/TLS)

IMAP Commands

1 LOGIN username passwordUser's login.
1 LIST "" *Lists all directories.
1 CREATE "INBOX"Creates a mailbox with a specified name.
1 DELETE "INBOX"Deletes a mailbox.
1 RENAME "ToRead" "Important"Renames a mailbox.
1 LSUB "" *Returns a subset of names from the set of names that the User has declared as being active or subscribed.
1 SELECT INBOXSelects a mailbox so that messages in the mailbox can be accessed.
1 UNSELECT INBOXExits the selected mailbox.
1 FETCH <ID> allRetrieves data associated with a message in the mailbox.
1 CLOSERemoves all messages with the Deleted flag set.
1 LOGOUTCloses the connection with the IMAP server.

Logging into IMAP

Optional: turn on verbose -v for connection information

> curl -k 'imaps://' --user user:p4ssw0rd

* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." Important
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." INBOX

Interact with IMAP over openssl

> openssl s_client -connect

Can't use SSL_get_servername
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Sacramento, O = Inlanefreight, OU = Customer Support, CN = mail1.inlanefreight.htb, emailAddress = cry0l1t3@inlanefreight.htb
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Sacramento, O = Inlanefreight, OU = Customer Support, CN = mail1.inlanefreight.htb, emailAddress = cry0l1t3@inlanefreight.htb
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:C = US, ST = California, L = Sacramento, O = Inlanefreight, OU = Customer Support, CN = mail1.inlanefreight.htb, emailAddress = cry0l1t3@inlanefreight.htb


read R BLOCK
Post-Handshake New Session Ticket arrived:
    Protocol  : TLSv1.3
    Cipher    : TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    Session-ID: 2B7148CD1B7B92BA123E06E22831FCD3B365A5EA06B2CDEF1A5F397177130699
    Resumption PSK: 4D9F082C6660646C39135F9996DDA2C199C4F7E75D65FA5303F4A0B274D78CC5BD3416C8AF50B31A34EC022B619CC633
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 7200 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 68 3b b6 68 ff 85 95 7c-8a 8a 16 b2 97 1c 72 24   h;.h...|......r$
    0010 - 62 a7 84 ff c3 24 ab 99-de 45 60 26 e7 04 4a 7d   b....$...E`&..J}
    0020 - bc 6e 06 a0 ff f7 d7 41-b5 1b 49 9c 9f 36 40 8d   .n.....A..I..6@.
    0030 - 93 35 ed d9 eb 1f 14 d7-a5 f6 3f c8 52 fb 9f 29   .5........?.R..)
    0040 - 89 8d de e6 46 95 b3 32-48 80 19 bc 46 36 cb eb   ....F..2H...F6..
    0050 - 35 79 54 4c 57 f8 ee 55-06 e3 59 7f 5e 64 85 b0   5yTLW..U..Y.^d..
    0060 - f3 a4 8c a6 b6 47 e4 59-ee c9 ab 54 a4 ab 8c 01   .....G.Y...T....
    0070 - 56 bb b9 bb 3b f6 96 74-16 c9 66 e2 6c 28 c6 12   V...;..t..f.l(..
    0080 - 34 c7 63 6b ff 71 16 7f-91 69 dc 38 7a 47 46 ec
    0090 - 67 b7 a2 90 8b 31 58 a0-4f 57 30 6a b6 2e 3a 21   g....1X.OW0j..:!
    00a0 - 54 c7 ba f0 a9 74 13 11-d5 d1 ec cc ea f9 54 7d   T....t........T}
    00b0 - 46 a6 33 ed 5d 24 ed b0-20 63 43 d8 8f 14 4d 62   F.3.]$.. cC...Mb

    Start Time: 1632081604
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK

POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)

port: 110 (unencrypted), 995 (encrypted SSL/TLS)

POP3 Commands

USER usernameIdentifies the user.
PASS passwordAuthentication of the user using its password.
STATRequests the number of saved emails from the server.
LISTRequests from the server the number and size of all emails.
RETR idRequests the server to deliver the requested email by ID.
DELE idRequests the server to delete the requested email by ID.
CAPARequests the server to display the server capabilities.
RSETRequests the server to reset the transmitted information.
QUITCloses the connection with the POP3 server.

Interact with POP3 over openssl

> openssl s_client -connect

Can't use SSL_get_servername
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Sacramento, O = Inlanefreight, OU = Customer Support, CN = mail1.inlanefreight.htb, emailAddress = cry0l1t3@inlanefreight.htb
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = Sacramento, O = Inlanefreight, OU = Customer Support, CN = mail1.inlanefreight.htb, emailAddress = cry0l1t3@inlanefreight.htb
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:C = US, ST = California, L = Sacramento, O = Inlanefreight, OU = Customer Support, CN = mail1.inlanefreight.htb, emailAddress = cry0l1t3@inlanefreight.htb


read R BLOCK
Post-Handshake New Session Ticket arrived:
    Protocol  : TLSv1.3
    Cipher    : TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    Session-ID: 3CC39A7F2928B252EF2FFA5462140B1A0A74B29D4708AA8DE1515BB4033D92C2
    Resumption PSK: 68419D933B5FEBD878FF1BA399A926813BEA3652555E05F0EC75D65819A263AA25FA672F8974C37F6446446BB7EA83F9
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 7200 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - d7 86 ac 7e f3 f4 95 35-88 40 a5 b5 d6 a6 41 e4   ...~...5.@....A.
    0010 - 96 6c e6 12 4f 50 ce 72-36 25 df e1 72 d9 23 94   .l..OP.r6%..r.#.
    0020 - cc 29 90 08 58 1b 57 ab-db a8 6b f7 8f 31 5b ad   .)..X.W...k..1[.
    0030 - 47 94 f4 67 58 1f 96 d9-ca ca 56 f9 7a 12 f6 6d   G..gX.....V.z..m
    0040 - 43 b9 b6 68 de db b2 47-4f 9f 48 14 40 45 8f 89   C..h...GO.H.@E..
    0050 - fa 19 35 9c 6d 3c a1 46-5c a2 65 ab 87 a4 fd 5e   ..5.m<.F\.e....^
    0060 - a2 95 25 d4 43 b8 71 70-40 6c fe 6f 0e d1 a0 38   ..%.C.qp@l.o...8
    0070 - 6e bd 73 91 ed 05 89 83-f5 3e d9 2a e0 2e 96 f8   n.s......>.*....
    0080 - 99 f0 50 15 e0 1b 66 db-7c 9f 10 80 4a a1 8b 24   ..P...f.|...J..$
    0090 - bb 00 03 d4 93 2b d9 95-64 44 5b c2 6b 2e 01 b5   .....+..dD[.k...
    00a0 - e8 1b f4 a4 98 a7 7a 7d-0a 80 cc 0a ad fe 6e b3   ......z}......n.
    00b0 - 0a d6 50 5d fd 9a b4 5c-28 a4 c9 36 e4 7d 2a 1e   ..P]...\(..6.}*.

    Start Time: 1632081313
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
    Extended master secret: no
    Max Early Data: 0
read R BLOCK
+OK HTB-Academy POP3 Server

Dangerous Configurations

auth_debugEnables all authentication debug logging.
auth_debug_passwordsThis setting adjusts log verbosity, the submitted passwords, and the scheme gets logged.
auth_verboseLogs unsuccessful authentication attempts and their reasons.
auth_verbose_passwordsPasswords used for authentication are logged and can also be truncated.
auth_anonymous_usernameThis specifies the username to be used when logging in with the ANONYMOUS SASL mechanism.

IMAP General Information

  • Functionality: Allows online management of emails directly on the mail server with support for folder structures.
  • Client-Server Model: Enables synchronization between the local email client and the server, functioning like a network file system for emails.
  • Features:
    • Hierarchical Mailboxes: Organize emails into folders on the server.
    • Multi-Client Access: Multiple users can access and manage emails simultaneously.
    • Synchronization: Changes made on one client are reflected across all clients.
    • Offline Mode: Some clients offer local copies that sync when reconnected.
  • Security:
    • Encryption: Often requires SSL/TLS to encrypt commands, emails, usernames, and passwords.
    • Vulnerability: Without encryption, data is transmitted in plain text, posing security risks.

POP3 General Information

  • Functionality: Primarily focuses on listing, retrieving, and deleting emails from the server.
  • Client-Server Model: Downloads emails to the local client and typically removes them from the server.
  • Features:
    • Simple Operations: Limited to basic email management without support for server-side folder structures.
    • Single-Client Access: Best suited for accessing emails from one device, as emails are usually removed from the server after download.
  • Security:
    • Encryption: Supports SSL/TLS to secure email transmission.
    • Vulnerability: Unencrypted POP3 transmits data in plain text, making it susceptible to interception.

Key Differences from IMAP to POP3:

  • Email Management: IMAP allows managing emails directly on the server with folder support, while POP3 downloads and typically deletes emails from the server.
  • Synchronization: IMAP provides real-time synchronization across multiple clients, whereas POP3 is designed for single-client access.
  • Storage: IMAP requires more server storage due to emails and folders being maintained on the server, whereas POP3 reduces server storage needs by downloading emails locally.
  • Use Cases: IMAP is ideal for users accessing emails from multiple devices, ensuring consistency and synchronization. POP3 suits users who prefer to manage emails on a single device without needing server-side organization.